The July 2022 Semiannual Training will be a crystallization-study of 1 & 2 Kings. Living Stream has prepared a number of resources to help those who desire to attend this training to properly prepare themselves.
In addition to the print and eBook formats, Living Stream has also published an audiobook of the Life-study of 1 & 2 Kings. You will now be able to listen to a reading of the entire Life-study of 1 & 2 Kings prior to the training.
There are twenty, half-hour radio programs covering the Life-study of 1 & 2 Kings. These include excerpts from Witness Lee’s spoken ministry that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. The ministry portions are followed by a discussion of the portion presented, including questions and answers.
Living Stream publishes the Holy Bible Recovery Version with footnotes in both print and mobile app editions. By reading the books of 1 & 2 Kings, you will become familiar with the history they contain, and the footnotes provide an entrance into the deeper spiritual significance of this history.
The audio and video recordings of Brother Lee’s actual speaking in July of 1994 during his life-study training on 1 & 2 Kings are available on LSM’s webcast site.
Print publications are available online at or by contacting the LSM Book Section at or 714-236-6050.