1988, volume 1 The New Way for the Lord's Recovery * / The Proper Way for Believers to Meet and to Serve / Fellowship with the Full-time Serving Ones concerning the Lord's Present Move * / Serving the Lord in His New Way to Raise Up Local Churches * / Speaking Christ for the Building Up of the Body of Christ / Living In and With the Divine Trinity / Fellowship with the Full-time Trainees in Irving, Texas * / Practicing the Scriptural Way of Meeting in Mutuality for the Growth and Building Up of the Body of Christ and Holding to the Teaching of the Apostles as the Leadership in the New Testament * / Being Perfected for the Building Up of the Body of Christ through the Practice of the New Way * / Practicing the Church Life Under the Vision of the Organic Body of Christ and Perfecting the Saints for the Building Up of the Body * / Fellowship with Elders in the Bay Area * / Loving the Lord in Incorruptibility * / Various Times of Fellowship in the Bay Area * / The New Testament Ministry and the Practice of the New Way * |
1988, volume 2 The Practice of the New Way for the Organic Building Up of the Body of Christ * / The Perfecting, Growth, and Functioning of All the Members for the Building Up of the Body of Christ * / The Supply of Life and the Building Up of Three Habits * / Experiencing God, Christ, the Word, Faith, and the Spirit as Revealed in Galatians 3 * / Going Forth to Bear Fruit and Making the Fruit Remain * / Letting the Fire of the Gospel Burn throughout the College Campuses * / The Leading of the New Testament Ministry and the Organic Work of the New Way * / The Proper Elders' Administration of the Church and the Organic Practice of the New Way * / Words of Life from the 1988 Full-time Training / Questions, Answers, and Fellowship Concerning the Living and Service in the New Way * / Messages Given to the Working Saints / Crucial Words of Leading in the Lord's Recovery, Book 2: Leading the Saints to Practice the New Way Ordained by the Lord |
1988, volume 3 The Proper Learning and Desire for the Practice of the New Way * / The Reason for Changing the System and the Practice of the New Way * / A Timely Word / Our Urgent Need—Spirit and Life / The Local Churches and the Body of Christ * / Treasuring the Teenage Years for the Lord / The Apostles' Relationship with the Churches and Their Perfecting of the Saints * / The Need for Revival in the Lord's Recovery through Prayer * / Building Up the Body in Oneness * / Being Perfected to Build Up the Body of Christ * / Being Trained in Our Character, Our Experience of Life, Our Knowledge of the Truth, and Our Skill of Shepherding to Gain People for the Building Up of the Body of Christ * / The Body of Christ / The Salvation of the Lamb and the Dove * / Caring for the Church according to the New Way in the Organic Union with the Lord * / The Organism of the Triune God in the Organic Union of His Divine Trinity / Cooperating with the Lord to Carry Out the Scriptural Way of Meeting and Serving for the Building Up of the Body of Christ * / The Building Up of the Body of Christ |