For more information and inquiries regarding our publications please contact the book section of Living Stream Ministry:
Phone 1-714-236-6050
For information regarding the radio program of Living Stream Ministry please contact the radio section:
Phone 1-888-543-3788
For general information please contact the Living Stream Ministry office:
Phone 1-714-991-4681
2431 W. La Palma Ave.
Anaheim, CA 92801
Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm (US Pacific)
Saturday: Closed
Lord's Day: Closed
According to the revelation of the Scriptures, we believe that any ministry that comes from God should trust in God for all its needs. Therefore, we have made it our policy not to solicit donations or contributions. However, if any of our readers are led by the Lord to give, we will accept offerings as from the Lord and will use them for the furtherance of His truth.
Living Stream Ministry respects the privacy of anyone who is led by the Lord to make an offering to the Ministry. We will not sell, rent, or trade a donor's personal information to any other entity in existence.
If you have any comments or problems concerning this web site, please send email to