2010 Conferences
2010 Full-time Trainings
- Stewards of the Mysteries of God (2)
Spring Term
- Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ
Fall Term
Fall Term
- In the Gospels (1)—The Son of David, the Son of Abraham, Emmanuel, and God the Father's Beloved Son
- In the Gospels (2)—The Great Light, the One Who Has Authority, the Physician, the Bridegroom, the Unfulled Cloth, and the New Wine
- In the Gospels (3)—The One with the Heavenly-ruled Deeds, Our Shepherd, Our Rest, and the Sower
- In the Gospels (4)—The Christ, the Son of the Living God, the Only One Whom We Should Hear, the One into Whose Name the Believers Are Gathered Together, and the Crumbs under the Table
- In the Gospels (5)—The One Given All Authority in Heaven and on Earth, the Center of the Processed Triune God, the Rising Sun, and a Samaritan
- In the Gospels (6)—The Word of God
- In the Gospels (7)—The Life-changer and the Temple, the Bronze Serpent, the Bridegroom, the Immeasurable Son of God, the Gift of God, and the One Who is Equal with God and the One Who Gives Life
- In the Gospels (8)—The Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles
- In the Gospels (9)—The Resurrection and the Grain of Wheat
- In the Gospels (10)—The One Who Washes the Disciples' Feet, the Glorified Son of Man, and the Embodiment of the Triune God—the Father's House and the Way to Enter into the Father's House
- In the Gospels (11)—The Expression of the Father Realized as the Spirit and the True Vine—the Organism of the Triune God
- In the Gospels (12)—The Newborn Child and the Father's Glorification
- In the Gospels (13)—The Redeeming and Life-imparting One, the Resurrected One, and the Chief Shepherd
- In Acts (1)—The One in Resurrection and the One in Ascension
- In Acts (2)—The Leader and Savior and the Son of Man
- In Acts (3)—The Firstborn of God, the Spirit of Jesus, and the Content of the Gospel